Sunday, 16 December 2012

Home Sweet Home

Hello everyone!! In case you were wondering, I successfully completed my trek home to Ancaster! The final journey ended up being approximately 11 hours and included 3 buses, two subways, a train and a car (pick-up courtesy of one of my best friends)! However, I can't complain too much, as I was only one of many people who made a long trek home. In fact, two of my friends took a 20 hour train ride to Nova Scotia yesterday! So note to anyone who wants to attend university far from home - be prepared to spend long hours on public transport multiple times a year! 

So obviously being home, I have been noticing some differences between living at home and living on my own at school. Number one, driving - the other day, I was planning to take the bus to work but then my mom offered to drive me, which is an offer you rarely get at school (unless you are fortunate enough to have a friend with a car). Number two, chores - at school, I never had to "help around the house," do dishes, etc but in order to earn my keep around here, I had to start helping out again, which was a little bit weird, as I haven't lived at home since June. And number three, routines - at school, I was living completely on my own schedule but here I have to coordinate what I do with my family again; in particular, it's been weird having to wait to eat my meals instead of having the freedom to go to Dewies whenever I please. 
My mom and Sophie were so excited to have me home that they wanted to dress like me!
Despite all these "differences," I am loving being around my family and old friends again. I also realized that when university students come home, they spend a lot of time catching up on life stuff that they can't do when they are away at school and doing things to prepare to go back to school. For me, these things have included going to dentist and eye doctor appointments, paying tuition (ahhhh!!!), applying for a credit card, buying a cheques to start paying rent and the list goes on! As well, I have been working part time at Benix and Co, a kitchen and home goods store here in Ancaster in order to earn some spending money over the holiday season. If you are in town and need some last minute Christmas gifts, come visit me! 

The first weekend I was home, I went to Stratford with my friend and former teammate Janice to watch our old skating team in their first competition of the season! This year, they are skating to a Lady Gaga medley. I watched their first skate with Janice and then I stayed for the rest of the day to watch the Nexxice Juvenile, Novice, Junior, Senior and Open teams skate as well as Intermediate's second skate. It was so, so great to see all of my Nexxice friends again and I even teared up during Intermediate's skate - I felt like a proud mother! All of the teams' programs were amazing and I wish them the best of luck in the rest of their competion seasons!
Congrats Sarah on your gold medal win in Stratford!
In other news, last Thursday was one of the most exciting days of my life! Here is the back story as to why this was so: About two or three years ago, the fast food truck industry started booming in Hamilton and one of the trucks that started up was Gorilla Cheese who serve up - you guessed it - grilled cheese. I have been waiting since their creation to eat a Gorilla Cheese sandwich and my dream finally came on Thursday as the truck came to the Ancaster Business Park. My mom and I split two different sandwiches and I am happy to report that they lived up to their expectations and I left with a very satisfied stomach. 
Me with the Gorilla Cheese truck! #dreamcometrue

Me eating my Lumberjack sandwich! (Cheese, green apple, maple syrup and bacon)

Finally, here is the most exciting news by far!!! My friends (from school) and I have found a house to live in next year! After first year, majority of university students move out of residence and live off campus so my friends and I have been looking for a house since approximatly Thanksgiving. My bogmate, Jocelyn was finally successful in her search and her, Hannah and Elizabeth went and checked the place out last weekend. We still have some details to work out but we are fairly certain we have found our home for the next few years!
Our future home!
So even though I am not on campus, Bishop`s still remains a really big part of my life. My time at home is flying by and I am really looking forward to Christmas, New Year's and the start of the Winter Semester! I am loving doing holiday shopping and baking and planning! Right now, my main focus is trying to fit all of the things that I need to do into my busy, busy schedule (and I was told this was supposed to be a "break")! So while I am running around here at home, I wish you and your families all the best in this holiday season! Keep your fingers crossed for a White Christmas!

All my love, Erica xoxoxoxox

PS On Saturday night, my dad went to a party in Toronto and had to dress as a rockstar! And people wonder why I sometimes say I`m adopted....
(Just kidding, I love my parents)

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Blogging from the Bus!

Happy December everyone!! We are only 6 days into this wonderful month and already, so much has happened! I saw Justin Bieber in concert, became an adult, survived my first university exam season and became a master of public transit! On a side note, this is the first blog post written outside of my room in Abbott - I am sitting on the Megabus en route to Toronto for my holiday break!  So without further adieu, here is a recap of my last week-and-a-bit on campus!

Friday marked the end of classes for first semester! In the morning, I had my interview for my Introduction to Professional Practice course, which was the final evaluation for the course. Essentially, my prof and I discussed how the course had helped me to grow and develop as a teacher and talk about my goals for my future in the education program. I think that it went really well and at the end, Dr. Kamanos told me what a blessing it was to have had me in her class! For the remainder of the day, I studied hard in the library and prepared for the busy weekend to come!

Saturday (December 1st) was the official start to the exam season! However, unlike most students who were busy studying, I boarded a bus at 8:30am in the morning to make my way to Toronto to see Justin Bieber in concert! Just so you know, the concert was at 7pm that night! Here is a brief outline of my trip:

City Bus (Campus to Sherbrooke Bus Station) -> Intercity bus from Sherbrooke to Montreal -> Metro from Bus Station to Megabus -> Megabus from Montreal to Toronto -> Cab from Bus Station to Rogers Centre

Me outside the Rogers Centre!
I arrived at the Rogers Centre at approximately 7:30pm! My sister, Lauren, who I was going to the concert with, was already inside because she had gone down earlier with friends. I was supposed to go in and meet her BUT my mom had my ticket and she was stuck in the worst traffic ever! And to put things into perspective for you, I was standing outside the Rogers Centre with a backpack full of textbooks and my ski bag which I had brought to give to my mom! I tried to explain my situation to the box office and to security but neither was willing to help me out. Luckily, my mom got there and I got into the concert just as Carly Rae Jepsen was finishing and well before JBiebs came on. Despite all of the hassles, I am so glad that I went on the journey because the concert was fantastic! As soon as it was done, I went back to the Megabus station, got on the 12:30am bus back to Montreal and did the process in reverse to get back to school, spending a grand total of 22 hours on public transport in one weekend!

Lauren and I at the concert!

 As you can probably guess, I spent Sunday sleeping and studying. However, Monday was a different story as it was my 18th birthday! I woke up and went for a run and when I came back, my friends had put a life-size poster of Justin Bieber on my door! I squealed a little bit and called them to say thank you! Then, I went to my mailbox and I got cards from my grandparents, my mom and my dad! In the afternoon, I had my first exam, Environmental Studies and then spent some time at the library studying for my other exams. That night, I had dinner with all of my friends and they surprised me with a birthday cake that two of them had gone out and purchased (thank you Elizabeth and Mike!). It was delicious! I had such a great day and I am so thankful that I got to spend it with all of my amazing friends at BU!

 On Tuesday, I spent majority of the day in Dewie’s studying with two of my friends for our psych exam. I think I spent over 6 hours in Dewie’s but it paid off as my exam went really well that night! After the exam, I studied for my math exam for a little bit and then I watched the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show with a bunch of people in the Abbott common room. The Biebs performed twice and as usual, he was amazing and the fashion show was cool but I don’t really understand the purpose. I mean, it isn’t like they sell the big wings and flower costumes in the store so what exactly are the models modeling? Regardless, it was a fun night and a good study break!

On Wednesday, I had this big plan to wake up and study for my math exam from 10 until 2 but that did not happen. Instead, I took care of some things on campus (bought my bus ticket, packed my suitcase, etc) and then wrote my exam. Afterwards, my friends and I (Hannah, Elizabeth, Jocelyn, Kirsten, Mike, Kevin, Tim and Taylor) went to a restaurant in Sherbrooke called CafĂ© Bla-Bla as the official celebration for 1) my birthday, 2) Hannah’s birthday, which is on Monday and 3) our last night all together as Kirsten and I left campus today. It was so much fun and Hannah and I were surprised with (more) birthday cake! I also got several birthday presents that day – a “signed” Justin Bieber poster and a 1D mug from the boys and a Justin Bieber Tooth Tunes toothbrush from the girls! This only reiterates the fact that I have the best friends in the world! I am not sure how I am supposed to go a whole month without seeing them!
Birthday girls!
Friends at the Cafe!
After dinner, we all went back to school and somehow ended up in my room having a dance party! Technically, we weren’t supposed to be making noise in rez after 7pm (there were still exams going on...) but we may or may not have broken that rule! This morning, we ate breakfast together and my friends said goodbye to me at the bus stop (where I almost missed the bus) and I began my trip to Ancaster. I am taking almost the same route as listed above, but with bonus trip to Union Station to catch the Go Train added in. 

Shhh! It's quiet hours in Abbott!
And here I am now, still on the bus with just under 6 hours until I get home! As usual, if you have made it to this point of the post, congratulations and thank you for reading! I have had a truly incredible semester at BU and I am super excited for many more to come! Choosing to attend Bishop’s was one of the best decisions I have ever made - it has become a home to me, and the people I have met have became a family! So, let the countdown begin: exactly one month from now I will be back in Abbott 217 gearing up for Winter 2013! 

Later, gaiters! (But not for long)

Love Erica xoxoxox

PS As I was writing this, I was watching the Thanksgiving episode of Glee during which all of the characters that had graduated returned home and had a reunion. Now I am even more excited to see all of the wonderful people in Ancaster (and Ontario)!

PPS My recruitment blog was officially posted on my birthday! You can access it under the “Check it Out” heading on the side bar!

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