Sunday, 30 September 2012

Bishop's Does Homecoming!!

Happy last day of September everyone! I can't believe that I have been on the BU campus for an entire month now! That being said, this has been one of the best months of my life and I am sure that every month from here on out will only get better! As I write this, I am sitting in Dewie's listening to my friends discuss the weekend, which was Homecoming 2012!

Before we get to the weekend, this week was also pretty great! On Wednesday, I went to an information session for the Mae Sot Education Project, which is a student run project that raises money to send 5 students to Thailand where they volunteer in schools for 6 months. While I don't think I am going to apply this year, it is definitely something I want to look into in the future!

On Friday, I went to my first Residence Events Committee meeting. It was made up of mostly RAs but there were a few first year students like myself. Our first event was a BBQ and face painting session before the football game on Saturday. Looking into the future, we are going to be having a Pumpkin Carving Party and a Rocky Horror Picture showing in October and also some bus trips to give students a chance to leave the campus!

On Thursday, we went to Night C of New Plays - a student run drama festival. A bunch of my friends were performing and they were all fantastic! There were 4 different plays, each with a very different theme. After that, it was country night at the Lion! It was a fundraiser for the girl's hockey team and it was a ton of fun! A LOT of people showed up - there was barely any room to dance! But nonetheless, it was still a great night! My favourite part was dressing up like a cowgirl - complete with a plaid shirt and hat!
My little celebrity Matt! He starred in the play "Three Men"

Myself, Hannah, Jocelyn and Tom outside Turner Theatre!
On Friday, there was a marathon reading of The Odyssey and my friend Hannah was signed up to read a section of the book. We went and supported her and then went to the apres-reading wine and cheese. Following that we went to the rugby game and later, my friends and I stayed in and decorated my friend Kirsten's door for her birthday on Saturday. We put up streamers and pictures and made her a card - Hannah even bought her brownies! We made her wear a birthday button around all day so that everyone knew that it was her special day!

 And of course, Saturday was homecoming! I was up at 9am to help REC set up for the BBQ! Despite the rain, many loyal Gaiters showed up to get their face painted before the football game! The Gaiters squared off against McGill and the stands were filled with alumni that were here for the weekend! As usual, there was a tailgate in the parking lot and at times, it was hard to decide whether I wanted to be in the game or at the tailgate! The Gaiters were victorious - beating McGill 26-18! That night, there were multiple victory parties all around Lennoxville, so the weekend came to a close on a pretty good note.

A Selection of Homecoming Photos (too many for just one!):

Tailgating in the parking lot!
Purple cats courtesy of REC!

Me and my balloon hat!

Supporting the local troops my buying and eating Girl Guide cookies!

Gaiter love!

The flipped car!
So it's time for me to get back to studying and prepare for the week ahead! I am so excited to head home to Ancaster for Thanksgiving but I am already starting to feel separation anxiety at the thought of leaving my BU family! Have a great week everyone!

Love Erica xoxoxo

PS Check out who wants to follow me on Twitter!

1 comment:

  1. TREVOR AND MICHAEL.1 October 2012 at 09:24



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