Friday, 12 October 2012

Cramming for Midterms

Hello everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates recently! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving without overloading on too much turkey! I had a great time at home but I am back on campus and as I'm sure you guessed from the title, studying for my fast approaching midterm exams. 

So I guess I left off in the middle of the week before Thanksgiving. Nothing too exciting happened last week as everyone was looking forward to going home for the weekend. However, I got my first official university assignment back from my Environmental Studies professor and my group ended up doing really well! On Friday, my education class went on our second trip to the local elementary school. This time I was in the Grade 4 classroom, or as they call it here in Quebec, the Cycle 2 Year 2 cycle. There are a lot of differences in the Quebec Education system and it has been really neat to study and observe the different program that is in place here. 
Me with our ESG group project!

After the morning at LES, myself and 5 of my friends began our treks home for Thanksgiving. At 1:00, we boarded the first bus, which took us to downtown Montreal. Then, three of us got on a second bus that took us to the Montreal airport. Following that, I boarded my plane and I met my mom at the Toronto airport and drove back to Ancaster. The entire trek took 8.5 hours! That is almost the same amount of time that it took us to drive out here in August!

Jason and I on the Trans Dev Limo Car en route to Montreal!

My traveling crew!

And so began my short stay in Ancaster. On Friday night, my mom, sister and I went to see the new movie Pitch Perfect. It was hilarious! If you haven't already seen it, go now! We were killing ourselves with laugther through the entire movie! On Saturday, my mom and I spent some time at the mall and then I spent the afternoon with my dad. I went to my brother's hockey game (my first hockey game of the season!) and then we all had dinner together. Later that night, I went to see some of my friends from my high school cross country team! 

On Sunday, I went out for breakfast with one of my best friends from skating and my neighbour tagged along. That afternoon,  I went to my brother's hockey game again and then my mom, brother and sister and I went out for dinner at the Hamilton Golf and Country Club. Monday morning, my cousins came over for breakfast and then I began the trek back to BU! Lessons learned from the weekend: Don't forget about school work! Just because you're not on campus doesn't mean your homework goes away! 

When I got back to campus on Monday night, I went upstairs to say hello to my friends on the floors above me. The boys on the third floor crack me up - Two of them had taken it upon themselves to re-arrange the furniture in their bogmates' rooms! One of the "victims" did not get back until 2am in the morning and so he came home to a nice surprise! Jocelyn had better keep her door locked when she goes home for graduation!

The rest of the week went by pretty slowly with everyone trying to get some serious studying in. However, last night was 80's night at the Lion and tomorrow we have another frosh group reunion so I'm sure things are about to get back to the BU normal! In other exciting news, today we had our first snowfall; this unfortunately occurred while Hannah and I were out running! Luckily, we were dressed warmly and weren't too far from our warm residence rooms! But I must get back to the books now! Wish me luck on my three midterms this week!

Hannah and I going for a run in matching outfits!

80's night at the Lion!
 All my love, Erica xoxoxox

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