Thursday, 1 May 2014

Two Weeks Until the Mouse!

Greetings from Ancaster on this sunny Thursday morning! I am officially done my second year of university and am halfway done my BA. Can you believe that? 4 months from now I will have to change the name of this blog AGAIN. Hopefully, the name change will happen from somewhere in Europe, providing all goes well with my Visa application, which has been the top item on my to-do list since school has let out. I thought school being over would be the end of my lengthy lists - I was so, so wrong. With less than two weeks left in Canada, I have a lot to do before I head south from the next three months!

Okkk so last week was a cross between dragging on and speeding by - dragging on because I felt like I was just waiting around to write my last final and speeding by because it was my last week with my friends and housemates. I was also running around campus like a bit of a nut getting as much done for my exchange as possible. Over Easter weekend, I had some passport size photos taken so was finally able to send my completed application package to Universite Francois-Rabelais in Tours. As well, I finalized all of my courses and am now just waiting on all of the approval signatures to be added and sent back to the Records Office. So essentially, all of my academic "stuff" is done - now I just have to a) be accepted to the school and b) send in my Visa application, which is turning into be quite the process.

After running around Tuesday morning, I met up with the Golden Key Exec to collect the books from around campus for our Better World Book drive. We then sorted through all of the books in our office and packaged the books into boxes to be delivered to the head office. We filled 19 boxes of books!! Apparently, the books will be sorted through again at the head office and then sold online. Our chapter gets money from every book sold as well as a donation made on our behalf to a charity of our choice. Here's hoping some of our books get sold! After sorting through the books, I hung back to clean out the GK Office because it was a disaster. I found a lot of promotional material (buttons, stickers, pens, etc) and a lot of leftover papers from the early 2000s. Oh yeah and $2.80 - talk about a gold mine. Also, yesterday, I was given access to the GK Facebook page and chapter webpage so I can officially take on my job as Webmaster! So everyone who is a chapter member, go "like" the page!!

That night, Elizabeth and I went to the student ministry bbq - our last appearance of the year. For the first time, the eating room was almost empty and we had a table all to ourselves. Following dinner, it was time to hit the books to study up for my exam. And I may or may not have watched an episode of MasterChef (It was the semi-finals meaning it was necessary to watch).

Wednesday, I studied and worked on my unit plan before heading to campus to hand in my portfolio sans plastic sheet covers. I was studying in the computer lab when all of a sudden the power on campus went out! We all thought that it would come back on quickly but it was out for over an hour. Jocelyn and Hannah were unimpressed as they then had to write an exam that required looking at slides on a projection screen without the slides. Moodle and webmail were down for the rest of the day, which affected the last minute studiers. Good thing I had planned ahead.  Oh yeah, and Jocelyn left on Wednesday so I had to say goodbye :( and I have been experiencing strong separation anxiety ever since.

Thursday, I spent three hours in the afternoon working with my friend Ashley to finish up our unit plan to hand in. 3 HOURS!! Without a break. Thankfully, we were able to complete it so I could go home and get some dinner before writing my last exam. I tried to study a bit more before the exam, but was too distracted by Hannah and Elizabeth so ended up just eating food and listening to Katy Perry's new single (it's really good, go listen). I went to campus to write my exam; as per usual, I was the last one writing, as in was the only person left in BWH. My friend Sarah waited for me to finish and we went to the brulerie for post-exam lattes and back to her apartment to hang out for a bit. I knew Hannah and Elizabeth were hard at work so I didn`t want to bother them. My friend Vicki picked me up at Sarah`s apartment and we went back to my house to watch two episodes of Glee. And finally, at approximately 1:25am, I started packing to go home.

Friday, I slept in (sort of) and awaited the arrival of my dad and Granny. I made them lunch when they arrived (they were impressed) and then showed off my student house. It was pretty messy because cleaning had not been at the top of our priority list during exams but they only commented on its cleanliness, or lack there of, once every half hour. After lunch, I put them to work. My dad attached my light cover and fixed Hannah`s drawer and my granny helped me package up our empty beer cans and bottles to take to Provigo. We filled my dad`s entire SUV with empties and were at the return machine for over an hour. BUT we did end of making $35!! I then gave them a campus tour and we went to Canadian Tire to purchase some rubbermaids. That night, the three of us and Elizabeth went out to the best restaurant in Sherbrooke, Fondue Folie. We had cheese fondue, bouillon (the broth that cooks meat and vegetables) and a dessert fondue. Elizabeth was brave enough to try the horse meat! After stuffing ourselves to the brim, we returned to Hotel William-Paige to pack and sleep.

Saturday, we hit the road at 9:30 and began the trek back to Ontario. Along the way, we stopped at a few En Routes and got off the highway in Prescott to look for my granny and dad`s old house. They found the old motel that it used to be near but were unsure of the exact house - they think it may have been torn down. We dropped my granny off in Scarborough, saw her new lilac bush and picked up my dad`s birthday cake and presents (and some of his old school work that my granny had saved) and headed back to Ancaster. I had dinner at my mom`s place and then went to a local restaurant for drinks with my dad, my friend and her parents. Other than our mojitos night at Milestone's and a glass of wine at dinner here or there it was my first time going out for drinks with my dad, which was a new experience - a good one though, as drinks were on him!

Sunday, I slept in until 11 (that`s a major accomplishment) and went to see my friend Priya.I hadn't seen her since last June so it was great to catch up! Monday, I re-activated my membership to Goodlife for the next 2 weeks and I met my friend Erin at Mapleview mall in the afternoon. It was a really impromptu mall trip but so worth it! She leaves for Camp Wenonah on the weekend so we had to squeeze in a shopping date before she left. Everyone be proud of me - I only bought a tea while we were there (because the Starbucks is under renovations) and nothing else!

Tuesday my lifelong dream of doing a Jillian Michaels' exercise class came true because I went to the JM Body Shred class at the gym. Jocelyn, my living room workout buddy was jealous! I told her I would Skype her to show off the new moves I learned. In the afternoon, I went (back) to Mapleview to drop off Macky at the Apple Store, however, all I was able to do was make an appointment to bring her back the next day... That night, I did some more shopping, this time at Chapters and bought some books about France in order to prepare for the fall. Now all I need is my actual letter of acceptance! I was relieved to learn that I do not have to actually go to the embassy in Toronto to apply for my Visa but I do have to mail in my passport, which will be slightly tricky since I will be away in Florida. One of my best friends Maggie and I bonded over the struggles of getting ready for exchange yesterday because she is going to Leeds University in the fall. So keep your fingers crossed for the both of us!!

Yesterday I made my third trip to Mapleview for my Apple appointment and Macky unfortunately had to go for a sleepover there, meaning I will be returning to the mall again. This is even getting to be a bit of mall overdose for me!! Especially since I am meeting my granny in Toronto tomorrow to shop and go see the Lion King. Since the sun has now finally come out, I think I might have to go spend the rest of today outside to make up for all the time I've spent in the mall!! Right now, I am falling in to the "bored out of my mind waiting for my job to start" lifestyle so I need to go make some plans. I am doing my best to see all of my friends before I head south for the summer but haven't decided who I will bug today. Anyway, I haev lots to do to keep myself busy aka my parents want me to go clean up their yards, so if you need me, I'll be in my backyard under a pile of leaves. 

Wishing you a wonderful week!

All my love, 

Erica xoxoxoxoxo

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